References and Sources
All Scripture references are to the Revised Standard Version (RSV) unless otherwise stated.
Please note that ‘Church’ refers to the Universal Church scattered throughout the world (and in Heaven, too, if this is implied) whereas ‘church’ refers to the local church, an individual fellowship of believers.
I’ve also chosen to label a resident of the southern kingdom of Judah as a ‘Judahite’ and a resident of first century Judea as a ‘Judean’.
Actsmar - ‘Acts’ in the Tyndale New Testament Commentary Series by I Howard Marshall, IVP and Eerdmans
AEHL - The Archaeological Encyclopaedia of the Holy Land (Revised Edition), Edited by Avraham Negev, Thomas Nelson Publishers
Amhub - ‘Joel and Amos’ by David Allan Hubbard, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, Inter-Varsity Press
Ammot - ‘The Message of Amos’ by Alec Motyer, The Bible Speaks Today Series
Amstu - ‘Hosea-Jonah’ by Douglas Stuart in the Word Biblical Commentary Series, Word Books
Apocrypha - Quoted from either the Theophilos Bible Software, version 3.0.0 or the NRSV
Bickerman - ‘Chronology of the Ancient World - Revised Edition’ by E J Bickerman, Thames and Hudson
Cansdale - Animals of Bible Lands, G S Cansdale, Paternoster Press
Edersheim - ‘The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah’, Alfred Edersheim, MacDonald Publishing Company
JFB - Commentary on the whole Bible, Jamieson, Fausset & Brown, The Zondervan Corporation
Josephus - Quotations are from ‘Antiquities’ (or ‘Antiquities of the Jews’) unless otherwise specified and have been taken from on line translations by an unknown translator.
NIDBA - New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology, E M Blaiklock and R K Harrison (editors), the Zondervan Corporation
Pscraig - ‘Psalms 1-50’ by Peter Craigie in the Word Biblical Commentary Series, Word Books
Strongs Hebrew/Greek number xxxx (or Strongs) - Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, James Strong
TWOTOT - Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (2 volumes), R Laird Harris (Editor), The Moody Press. An M number represents the number assigned to the word by the work.
Ungers - ‘Ungers Bible Dictionary’, Merrill F Unger, The Moody Press
Zondervan - The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopaedia of the Bible, The Zondervan Corporation, First Edition.